Innovation inside of a workplace can be hard, no matter what field of work is considered. From the development of software/hardware, the running of a store for a global company, or self-contained projects, we innovate to keep ourselves interested in the task we are required to do. Covid-19 has required reforms within many, if not all, industries with changes in how people complete their job in workplaces and not having to be at work, or the handling of external factors.
So how is innovation sustained when it requires innovation in the first place? It is a question that every and each business seeks to answer. Companies in global positions or market leaders promote the idea that innovation has certain attributes or requirements that are needed to make it successful. Linux has created an identity within innovation of allowing userbase and developers to create and contribute to the open source movement, allowing anyone to develop for the platform. Since the platform allows for every member or user to be creative with any issue, innovations can arise and be implemented at any point.
Within the hardware world, an American economy review in April 2020 published a report on the idea of innovation being slowed, using the theory of Moore’s law while requiring more than 15 times the amount of people than researchers did 50 years ago (Bloom et al. 2020). Meanwhile, the world of innovation within the software world has seen some of the most successful pieces of technology being developed to manage the ongoing crisis of COVID-19, such as Zoom Technologies, Afterpay and Unity.
Bloom, N, Jones, C.I, Van Reenen, J & Webb, M 2020, ‘Are ideas getting harder to find?’, American Economic Review, 110(4), pp.1104-44.